Class Resources

Welcome! Below are the supplemental worksheets, one-pagers, and other tools to enrich your experience of our current course: [INSERT TITLE OF CURRENT COURSE]. Unlike the Teachable materials, please feel free to share these! If you have any questions, drop me a message in Teachable or through this website — links are to the right. Happy learning :)


Module 1


Module 2

  • Title of Worksheet 1 (hyperlinked to PDF) - Description.

  • Title of Worksheet 2 (hyperlinked to PDF) - Description.

  • Title of Worksheet 3 (hyperlinked to PDF) - Description.


Module 3

  • Title of Worksheet 1 (hyperlinked to PDF) - Description.

  • Title of Worksheet 2 (hyperlinked to PDF) - Description.

  • Title of Worksheet 3 (hyperlinked to PDF) - Description.


You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
— Maya Angelou


Wanna join a future class?

We’re a unique bunch of disruptors, innovators, and curious-minded individuals who love to learn and collaborate. If this sounds like you, we’d love to have you! Hop on over to Teachable where you can learn about current courses and register. See you there!

Wanna book a one-on-one?

Visit the Booking page or send me a message!